Closeup Triple Fresh Toothpaste – GPS Retail

Closeup Triple Fresh Toothpaste


Do you brush your teeth hurriedly? Do you often forget to use mouthwash or not use it altogether? Are your teeth dull and covered with a yellowish coating of plaque? If your answer to the above questions is yes then Closeup Deep Action Red Hot Gel is the toothpaste for you. Its unique Active Zinc Mouthwash not only cleans deep corners of your mouth of residual germs it also gives you upto 12 Hours of Fresh Breath. It helps your teeth stay strong and healthy thanks to the fluoride in them and its micro shine crystals help reduce the yellowing of your teeth.

Up to 12 hours of lasting fresh breath is based on an In-vivo study with regular use over 4 weeks. Kill the bacteria that cause bad breath with Closeup Deep Action Red Hot Gel toothpaste. Bad breath can be caused by the millions of bacteria that live in your mouth. If you dont brush and floss every day, plaque germs can form. Closeup gel toothpaste helps kill the bacteria and helps prevent bad breath. Brushing with Closeup gel toothpaste is one simple step you can incorporate into your daily routine to help keep your mouth healthy, and it can have a positive effect on your oral health.

FDI, World Dental Federation recognizes that brushing twice daily with Closeup Deep Action Red Hot Gel is beneficial to oral health. Let nothing stop you from getting close to the one you desire Closeups fresh breath confidence will help you to make your first move on the person you like.


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